The Annual Compendium of Commercial Space Transportation

Issued by the Federal Aviation Administration’s Office of Commercial Space Transportation (FAA AST)
provides an overview of the industry’s activities from the past year.

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New Space

the official journal of the COE CST

New Space is the only international peer-reviewed journal dedicated to academic, industry, and government contributions to space entrepreneurship and innovation. Featuring world-class content that covers innovative and expanding applications at the intersection of space science, engineering, policy, and business, the Journal encourages the growth of rapidly expanding enterprises and products that will advance knowledge, benefit society and improve the way we live. New Space is the forum in which innovative applications of new space-based technologies and initiatives will be discovered, identified, discussed, and applied.

COE CST Special Issues

Volume 6, No. 1
March 2018
Volume 7, No. 1
March 2019
Volume 8, No. 2
June 2020

What type of Articles are published in New Space?

As a general rule, acceptable submissions to New Space will fit into the following five categories:

  • Critical Resources:  Descriptions of activities or organizations developing an important resource for industry emergence, also known as an industry infrastructure element (IIE). These are critical activities that can be conducted by one firm or organization by itself, or cooperatively by many companies and organizations. The industry supported by the IIE development should be identified. These are not necessarily tied to a specific company, identified market, business plan, or operating model.
  • New Space Activity:  These are descriptions of activities or organizations (companies) that include a narrative market description. Case studies of individual organizations could be included in this category. Case studies of multiple organizations could be categorized as a general study.
  • New Space Plan:  These are descriptions of specific activities or organizations that include a quantitative business plan or operating model.
  • Market Analysis:  This manuscript performs an analysis, following an established or original framework and methodology. The analysis can be based on organizational dimensions of goals, boundaries (defined as “distinctions between members and nonmembers, thus setting organizations off from their environments” [2]), and activities (defined as “bounded and interdependent role behaviors-sets of routines and bundles of activities” [3], and routines are generically defined as ‘forms, rules, procedures, conventions, strategies, and technologies’ [4, p. 320]).
  • General Studies:  These are analyses attempting to define or evaluate existing terminology, laws, regulations, management techniques, etc. The scope of studies can be broad or generic (e.g., definition of ‘commercial’), studying advantages, issues, challenges, or impacts faced by a given industry segment, or almost any other space-related context. This category can include literature reviews, empirical studies, survey results, the development of typologies or taxonomies, and comparative or historical studies.


COE CST Research Roadmap Documents

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