333. Onboard Context-Sensitive Informational System


Name Role Primary
Guy Boy Principal Investigator
Henry Lampazzi Tech Monitor
Kelly Carnes Fiscal Admin
Manfang Xu Fiscal Admin

Project Description

This proposal presents a possible solution for an onboard context-sensitive information system for Commercial Space Operations (OCSIS-CSO) that would be useful and usable for commercial space transportation (CST). It is an alternative to paper-based onboard documentation systems for operations in a spacecraft cockpit. We propose to use aeronautics research and practice on onboard information systems (OIS), and design a generic OCSIS-CSO. Our commercial aircraft experience, associated to our space background and environment (Florida Space Coast), is an insightful and useful background for this kind of research effort.

Project Outcomes

  • Task 1 will be devoted to the analysis of current state of the art and needs of commercial spacecraft systems (with emphasis on safety, efficiency, comfort). We will
    study their specificity and common features from an operational point of view. We will use our aeronautical operational knowledge and knowhow on onboard information systems (OIS). A synthesis will be made, including recommendations for further OIS design.
  • Task 2 will be devoted to the study of the various operational contexts (i.e., generic situations and scenarios) to demonstrate OIS usefulness and usability. We will work with astronauts and aerospace engineers to elicit this kind of experience-based knowledge. A synthesis will be made, including recommendations for further OCSIS design.
  • Task 3 will be devoted to the creation of a first OCSIS for commercial space operations (CSO). We will call it OCSIS-CSO. We propose to develop OCSIS-CSO on a tablet and head-up display (HUD) that will be configurable and adaptable with regards to cognitive and physical ergonomics within a spacecraft simulator. Later on, we test the integration of this device into the cockpit as a fixed instrument. The development of OCSIS-CSO will be done in an agile manner (i.e., using the latest human-systems integration methods and tools that support incremental design-test phases).
  • Task 4 will be devoted to demonstrations, reviews and tests within the CST community in order to deliver the functional and feasible OCSIS-CSO concept. This task will lead to possible future joint projects for the development and manufacturing of more specific OCSIS-CSO.

Summary of Output

To identify the relevant human parameters, their value range, and thresholds of adequate safety, for all four critical areas.

Quad Chart