324. Space Commercialization Strategies from the Internet Experience


Name Role Primary
Ward Hanson Principal Investigator
Ken Davidian Tech Monitor
Judy Kong Fiscal Admin


Project Description

One of the most successful U.S. innovation projects was the public investment in the Internet, followed by deregulation and a transition to the private sector. This research documents this process, and adapts these lessons for the emerging commercial space industry.

Project Outcomes

A technical report, along with detailed supporting material and timelines, will be the primary deliverables for this research.

• Constructing a detailed timeline of U.S. Internet deregulation activities between 1990-2000.
• Constructing a detailed timeline of U.S. commercial Internet developments between 1990-2000, with special focus on the rise of venture capital, the growth of Internet users, and investments in Internet infrastructure.
• Preparation of a research report on the important lessons learned from the Internet transition for the commercial space industry.

Summary of Output

This research seeks to document the applicable lessons from the Internet transition for commercial space.